
Static Control Accessories

Simco-Ion, Technology Group offers unique static control solutions including accessories, installation parts, cables, cords, replacement parts and consumables that are designed for use with Electrostatic Control Ionization products and our monitoring & ionization control devices.

Learn more about our accessories and parts here


Accessorize your Simco-Ion, Technology Group Ionizers or Novx ESD monitors. Remote activation switches for our Airguns, mounting stands and arms for our blowers, colored lenses for our ceiling emitters, air rings/knifes/snap-on fan for our fusION bar and Hand-Held Remotes that are used to optimize our AeroBars, Air Ionizing Bars and Ceiling Emitters are examples of additional items that will allow you to maximize the performance of our Ionizers and ESD control products.

Cables, Cords & Connectors

Cables, terminal blocks, cords, connectors, etc. used to communicate between Ionizer, Controller, Monitor, Power Sources or Facility Monitoring Systems are available. All products are designed and tested for maximum connectivity between devices.

Emitter Points & Wire Cartridges

Although our corona ionization emitters are designed for long life use, the electrical corona process may degrade the emitter material over time. We offer a complete line of replacement tungsten, titanium, single-crystal silicon or stainless steel emitter points or emitter cartridges that will regain maximum effectiveness of your Simco-Ion, Technology Group Ionizers.

Consumables Supplies

Your Simco-Ion Blower or Airgun may require a filter when used in less than pure environments. We offer replacement filters as well as other consumable supplies such as light bulbs, batteries and emitter cleaners.

External Power Supplies

Simco-Ion offers external power supplies (power transformers) and power cords for those Ionizers and ESD monitors that are wall powered.

Installation Parts

Each application for our Simco-Ion Ionizer or ESD Monitor will have its’ own challenges. Our line of mounting clips, brackets and holders are designed for easy installation of your the ionizer or ESD monitor within the optimum area of your tool, work space or work room.